Look my video [url:3h5d7iuz]http://www.fivetech.com.tw/downloads/Video_2016-07-15_093025.wmv[/url:3h5d7iuz]
Now, I move DBFs to MySQL with Utf8 and Unicode.
I found I can't input more character that just only 1 character( English or Chinese ), This PRG code is Offer and 21 fields Table
I use these code
Very strange. I have a MEMO GET object can input more Character
But I use these code and work fine.
I have small 10 Prgs, these prgs have 10 tables only two fields. I use ::oDB:FieldName work fine no problem.
I just test, if I remove FW_SetUniCode(.T.), VAR ::oDB:OFFER_NO work fine. Look it [url:3h5d7iuz]http://www.fivetech.com.tw/downloads/Video_2016-07-15_202705.wmv[/url:3h5d7iuz]
Now, I look it and change my code below: [url:3h5d7iuz]http://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=32675[/url:3h5d7iuz]
I can input more character. but when I move data in XBrowse, TGet not show data. How to solve it? [url:3h5d7iuz]http://www.fivetech.com.tw/downloads/Video_2016-07-16_105154.wmv[/url:3h5d7iuz]
I want First video function, but I can't input more words.
Last video solve input problem. but lost I want function.
Please compare First video and Last video.