We have just published a FWH 16.04 revised build 3
May 2016 (FWH 6.04 Revd Build-3)
* New function: FW_NumToWords( ) --> InWords
- Fully written in C for optimal performance.
- Acceptable range 0 to 1 billion. Negative numbers are converted into
positive numbers, so the programmer can use the function for both
debits and credits without chaning the sign. Decimals are rounded off
to 2.
- Uses currency symbols and formats based on the region setting by
FWNumFormat(). Dollars for 'A', Pounds for 'B', Euros for 'E', etc
- Implemented languages are English, Spanish, French, Portugese,
German and Italian based on the global language setting.
(Note: Languages are implemented with the help of Google Translate.
Users' advice, guidance and corrections are most welcome.)
* Enhancement: FW_OpenRecordSet(): If the last parameter is logical false,
the recordset is created and returned without opening. Programmer can
open the recordset later.
* New function: FW_AdoToExcel( cSql (or oRs) ) adofuncs.prg
A quick and optimized function to export data from any datasource to
* Enhancement: FWNumFormat() now accepts currency symbol as 4th parameter.
By default FWH uses Dollar, Pound, Euro or Rupee symbol based on the
set region (first paramter) A / B / E / I.
* Enhancement: NUMPICT() now accepts currency symbol as last paramter. If
logical true is provided instead of currency symbol, default symbol
depending on the regional setting in FWNumFormat() is adopted.