[/b:3ir01yui]1 [i:3ir01yui]adUseNone[/i:3ir01yui] (Obsolete and does not work)
2. [i:3ir01yui]adUseServer[/i:3ir01yui] (Can not navigate and is not useful for us)
[b:3ir01yui]3. adUseClient : This is the only choice we have[/b:3ir01yui]
1. [i:3ir01yui]adLockUnspecified[/i:3ir01yui] (not to be used for new recordsets)
2. adLockReadOnly : This is not what you want when you want to make changes. (Note: This is useful when you read data not to be modified)
3. [i:3ir01yui]adLockPessimistic[/i:3ir01yui]: We need to lock each record for modification. Rarely anybody uses it.
5. adLockBatchOptimistic: Useful. But for more advanced users.
[b:3ir01yui]4. adLockOptimistic: This is the only choice we have[/b:3ir01yui]
0. [i:3ir01yui]adOpenForwardOnly[/i:3ir01yui] : Works only with adUseServer and in anycase this is not what we want
1. [i:3ir01yui]adOpenKeyset[/i:3ir01yui]: Whether we like or not this work only with adUseServer
2. [i:3ir01yui]adOpenDynamic[/i:3ir01yui]: This also does not work with adUseClient
[b:3ir01yui]3. adOpenStatic: This is the only choice left to us.[/b:3ir01yui]
[color=#FF0000:3ir01yui][b:3ir01yui]Even if you try to use adOpenKeySet or adOpenDynamc the ADO system will open the recordset with adUseStatic only.[/b:3ir01yui][/color:3ir01yui]
Try opening a recordset with cursor types 1 or 2. After opening the recordset, try ? oRs:CursorType. The result always is 3 (adOpenStatic)
We are left with these choices only and we have no other choices:
[b:3ir01yui]CursorLocation : adUseClient (3)[/b:3ir01yui]
[b:3ir01yui]LockType: adLockOptimistic (4)[/b:3ir01yui] // If you know how to handle, adLockBatchOptimistic can also be used.
[b:3ir01yui]CursorType: adOpenStatic.[/b:3ir01yui] (3)
Now this also means that trying other values, like adOpenKeyset or adOpenDynamic, has no meaning and is a sheer waste of time.