It appears to me that the recently introduced methods PrintImage and SayText of TPrinter class have gone mostly unnoticed.
oPrn:SayText( nRow, nCol, cText, [nWidth], [nHeight], [oFont], [cAlign], [nClrText], [nClrBack] ) --> nLastRow printed
Useful for priting multi-line text. The return value can be used to continue printing next lines.
oPrn:PrintImage( nRow, nCol, uImage, nWidth, nHeight, lStretch, nAlpha, lTransp, lGray ) --> nLastRow printed
uImage can be any image source.
For those who like, I suggest trying this sample program:
I used some jpg's which are not available in the fwh\samples folder. You may substitute with your own jpgs or other image files.
I hope you will notice much better quality of printing.