Mr Adolfo
Both LoadQuery() and Refresh() of TDolphin are equivalent to oRs:Requery() of RowSet. These methods read and load the entire table again from the server and we like to avoid it as far as possible.
RowSet:ReSync() reads only one record from the server and updates the rowset. This is fast.
After modifying the record
With Dolphin
Suggested with RowSet: Ensure that the modified record is the selected record in the browse and call
After inserting a new record.
With Dolphin
Till FWH17.03, we can not use Resync to read external appends. Only way is to use oRs:Requery() which is same functionally as oQry:Refresh().
From FWH17.04:
The new method oRs:ReSyncWhere( cWhere ) is ideal for refreshing external modifications/appends.
Call oRs:ReSyncWhere( " = " )
and oBrw:RefreshCurrent()