Hello everyone;
I'm really looking forward to participating on this Summit. It is a great opportunity that no-one should miss. AMOF, I think we should do this every year. I guarantee everyone you will not be disappointed and it will be well worth the time and expense. Thank you very much to Otto, Ruth and Antonio for coming up with this idea.
I will be bringing with me free developer license codes for ADS server Linux and Windows for a maximum of 5 users. For now here is the short list of topics we will be talking about:
Introductions to and understanding ADS and why ADS
Local-Remote-AIS servers
Advantage Tools
Full Text Search
Understanding Data Dictionaries
Encryption and security
Defining data constraints and referencial integrity
Stored Procedures
Backup and Restore
I understand we probably won't have enough time to speak in depth about all these subjects. I will be more than happy to stay an extra day(s) after the seminar to expand, speak, help more with ADS with anyone who wants to.