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[quote="RSalazarU":2anqg3ze]Adrian: ArrayToFields() FieldsToArray() Estas dos funciones las tengo definidas de la siguiente manera: [code=fw:2anqg3ze][/code:2anqg3ze] de la ayuda de xHarbour [quote:2anqg3ze] Description DbSkipper() is a helper function used in the :skipBlock code block of the TBrowse object. It provides for standard skip behaviour when browsing data in a work area. [/quote:2anqg3ze] de la ayuda de xHarbour [quote:2anqg3ze] Description The DbRUnlock() function releases a record lock for an individual record specified with . If no record identifier is passed to the function, DbRUnlock() bahaves like DbUnlock() since all active record locks are released. Locking and unlocking one or more records for shared write access is the task of DbRlock() and DbRUnlock(), while RLock() works with the current record and DbUnlock() releases all locks. [/quote:2anqg3ze] en vez de esta funcion NetRecLock(, nRecordDown:=RECNO() ) usa esta otra de la ayuda de xHarbour [quote:2anqg3ze] Description NetRecLock() is a network function used to obtain a lock on the current database record when the database file is open in shared mode for multi-user access. If the current database record cannot be locked due to the record being locked by another process, the function retries the operation for a maximum of seconds and prompts the user if the operation should be retried or aborted. [/quote:2anqg3ze] Espero te ayude Saludos.[/quote:2anqg3ze] Hola de antemano le mando saludos cordiales Ing. Salazar y de nuevo gracias por el aporte, ahora mi duda, como seria el ejemplo desde donde ejecutar esas funciones algun pequeño ejemplo y adaptarlo a mis necesidades, sino es mucho pedir. Saludos y gracias Ing. Salazar Atte: Adrian C. C.

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