Does anybody know the differences between the coordinates of "Define Window", and "oWnd:Move".
I am trying to set the windows to the same position after saving the coordinates as:
hIni:nLeft := ROUND(oWnd:nLEFT / WIN_CHARPIX_W,0)
hIni:nWidth := ROUND((oWnd:nRIGHT - oWnd:nLEFT) / WIN_CHARPIX_W,0)
hIni:nTop := ROUND(oWnd:nTOP/WIN_CHARPIX_H,0)
hIni:nHeight := ROUND((oWnd:nBOTTOM - oWnd:nTOP) / WIN_CHARPIX_H,0)
I can't get it to the same size using oWnd:Move, where I am trying to call "oWnd:Move" in the "On Init" clause of the "Activate Windows" command.
Is there a conversion I need to pull this off?
Byron ...