The solution I found :
using the pyjama-effect but for multiple rows
added a indexed numeric field N 2.0 ( only needed for sorting )
Adding values like [color=#0000FF:1w6fvpco]1[/color:1w6fvpco], [color=#FF0000:1w6fvpco]2[/color:1w6fvpco], [color=#0000FF:1w6fvpco]9[/color:1w6fvpco], [color=#FF0000:1w6fvpco]16[/color:1w6fvpco] forces a group of row-colors
:bClrStd := { ||[color=#4000FF:1w6fvpco] [b:1w6fvpco]If( ("PFLEGER")->SORT %2 == 0[/b:1w6fvpco], [/color:1w6fvpco]; // the indexed field is used
{ If( ( oBrw[5]:cAlias )->( Deleted() ), 255, aVal[103] ), aVal[102] }, ;
{ If( ( oBrw[5]:cAlias )->( Deleted() ), 255, aVal[101] ), aVal[100] } ) }
:bClrSel := ;
:bClrSelFocus := { || { If( ( oBrw[5]:cAlias )->( Deleted() ), 255, aVal[105] ), aVal[104] } }
still solved another problem :
unequal values ( edit field ) from the combo-selection must be shown with a different color :